FORMER Warrington Wolves forward Ben Harrison has received a four-year ban from all sport after tested positive for a banned substance.

Harrison, who made 220 appearances for The Wire between 2006 and 2016 and represented both England and Ireland internationally, returned a urine sample that was positive for anabolic steroid drostanolone – a substance that is banned at all times by World Anti-Doping – last year.

He admitted to the violation but argued he administered the steroid while he was retired from rugby league and before his return to the sport with Barrow Raiders for the 2021 campaign.

His case was referred to the National Anti-Doping Panel, which has now ruled to the contrary of Harrison’s claims.

As a result, the loose forward has been provisionally banned from all sport until June 10, 2025 – backdated from the date he was informed of his positive test.

Speaking on the case, UK Anti-Doping chief executive Jane Rumble said: “Drostanolone is an anabolic steroid prohibited at all times and has no place within sport.

“Steroids can cause serious mental and physical health problems, are open to abuse and addiction and can impact on an athletes’ career and reputation. 

“This case illustrates that athletes returning from retirement can and will be tested and be liable for the consequences under the anti-doping rules.”

Harrison was part of three Challenge Cup-winning Wire sides in 2009, 2010 and 2012 and also played for the club in the 2012 and 2013 Super League Grand Finals.