THE end of an era is approaching at Latchford Albion.

After almost four decades of service, club chairman Mike Byron is to stand down from his role at the end of the season – but he insists he will still be a fixture on matchdays.

Having initially joined the club as a player in 1986, Byron has filled a number of roles including spells as head coach and director of rugby in 2002 and 2013 respectively before taking over as chairman in 2015.

He was instrumental in the club’s move to the purpose-built Victoria Park Arena but now, he feels the time is right to pass the torch.

“I have enjoyed every single minute of my time with the club and am incredibly proud of what we have achieved,” he said.

“The club is in a very good place and I feel now is the right time to have someone new come in and continue the fantastic work the club is doing.

“Personally, I would like to thank a few people who have played a significant part in my time with the club.

“Tom Farrell from Redline Recruitment, whose sponsorship and guidance has allowed a lot of my ideas become reality.

“The committee of Alan Daintith and Andy Rowlinson, who have always supported me and the club along the way – me and Alan go back such a long time together.

“Daniel Brown who I have watched develop from a junior into the player and person he is today, and always has Albion’s interests close to his heart.

“My brother Sean Byron, who was also part of the committee with myself and helped provide a lot of stability to the club.

“Martyn Ellis, who has given six amazing years of coaching to the club, where he has provided a critical link between junior and Open Age as well as securing honours for the club as coach of our title-winning side.

“Finally, my wife Teresa who has stuck by me and allowed me to fulfil this ambition of devoting so much time to the Albion cause.

“I look forward to attending future games as although I am no longer in an official capacity, I still intend on being involved with a club which has brought me so much happiness over the years and has made me friendships which last a lifetime.”