AFTER achieving one target this year, a teenage cyclist is setting sights on his ultimate goal.

Albie Jones, 16, from Stockton Heath, was crowned British champion at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester during the summer.

He won the 2024 National Youth Omnium Championships, which is a series of five events held in the velodrome and can be considered track cycling’s equivalent of a pentathlon.

“I'm really happy to have achieved a national title this year as it's been a big goal of mine for a long time,” said Jones.

“Over the years I've had podium finishes at other national championships and have won rounds of the National Youth Series on road and track, but this has to be my biggest achievement so far.

“I've been an avid cyclist since I was seven years old and took part in junior coaching sessions with North Cheshire Clarion Cycling Club, but I first grew really passionate about my training during lockdown.

“I used an indoor trainer when we couldn't go outside much. I'd really love to represent my country at the Olympics one day, that's probably the ultimate goal.”

This year is Jones’ final one competing in the youth categories.

In 2025 he will move up to the highly competitive junior (under 18s) age group in which he will have the opportunity to race across Europe.

Twelve months ago, Jones was selected to participate in the National School of Racing initiative under the guidance of the British Cycling talent pathway coaches.

He has been selected to test for the Olympic Development Squad which, if successful, will continue for a further two years.