A WARRINGTON-based football team was invited to meet the Mayor after the team won the FA Goodison Cup for the first time in 40 years.

Warrington School Boys is a team made up of students under the age of 11 from across the town and mainly practise at Orford Jubilee Hub.

On May 1, the team made it to the final of the Merseyside County Schools FA’s Goodison Cup and took on North Sefton at Everton FC’s Goodison Park home ground.

There, the under 11s team made history, after beating their opponents 2-0 and bringing the trophy home for the first time in 40 years.

Warrington Schoolboys beat North Sefton 2-0 in MayWarrington Schoolboys beat North Sefton 2-0 in May (Image: Contributed)

“They have shown the level of talent and ability in Warrington and have written their names into the history books,” said Shaun Staniford, one of the team’s co-managers after the match.

“This will go down as one of the greatest achievements for a team in this town ever.

“Every one of the lads savoured the experience and took it all in their stride.”

To celebrate their win, the Mayor of Warrington arranged to meet the players – which was also done for the last Warrington team that won the cup four decades ago.

Mayor Steve Wright met the team and hosted a Q&AMayor Steve Wright met the team and hosted a Q&A (Image: Supplied)

On Tuesday, June 11 the team visited San Lorenzo, in Palmyra Square, where they were greeted by the mayor of Warrington, Steve Wright.

“He was brilliant and really good fun – he went around fist bumping all the kids” said Ross Coen, parent of one of the Warrington Schoolboys players, Alfie.

“They all thought it was great because they were celebrating their achievement.”

The team all ate pizza at San Lorenzo for free and enjoyed a Q&A with the mayor afterwards.