CATFISH are making their presence known on many of Lymm Angling Club's waters at present.

They are being reported at a very wide range of sizes, with some being caught at just a few ounces - a clear indication that they are successfully breeding - while other individual fish are weighing more than 50lbs.

Last week, Ian Whittaker landed a catfish on Lymmvale weighing 49lbs 8ozs 0drms, which was likely to have been the one Steve Addison caught recently at more than 50lbs, with the small weight differences easily accounted for by the fish's feeding habits.

On Spring Pool, John Prescott landed his personal best cat, which weighed in at 25-8-0.

It seems that anglers who have struggled in the past to catch that species can now almost catch them at will.

As a precautionary measure Belmont Pool was closed for a couple of days but fortunately the water re-opened last week.

The reason for the closure was that two dead fish were reported and, following our own procedures, the water was closed until the matter had been investigated by the Environment Agency.

The committee apologises for any inconvenience caused to members but I am sure most responsible members will support our stance in relation to the circumstances.

The best carp action over the past week has been produced by Whitley Pool and, while no monsters have been landed, the action has been quite lively.

Member Stephen Harrison enjoyed that good form when he landed eight carp - made up of commons, mirrors and ghost carp - to 11lbs.

Water keeper Mike Wilkinson reports that Lymmvale has been a little peggy over the past week, although noted pegs have produced a lot of tench.

The most productive peg at the moment is the sand spit, with the tench feeding well on the drop.

Other waters are fishing steady with the exception of Farm Pool, which is currently suffering a de-oxygenation incident.

Aeration is running at the time of writing but hopefully the equipment will be removed this week.

On a cautionary note, river anglers should be aware of the hazards of undercut banking.

During the hot weather and drought conditions, banks have dried out and those that have been undercut are now susceptible to collapse.

We have been made aware of an incident on another club's stretch of the River Severn, where an angler was flung into the water as a result of such a bank collapse.

We have also become aware of some of the members booking night or Tabley Mere sessions, then not turning up or cancelling their booking.

Such members are depriving other members of those facilities and therefore the club will take action to prevent recurrences.

I can be contacted on 411774 but be prepared to leave a message.