LYMMVALE lived up to its reputation as one of the premier specimen fisheries in the north west by delivering a string of big tench and carp.

Highlight of the week was a superbly conditioned ghost carp, christened ‘Rocky’ by its captor due to the black marks it has around each eye.

The fish has obviously been feeding heavily as its previously recorded weight was 23lbs 10ozs in October last year.

Lymmvale’s tench are also on the feed prior to spawning.

One Lymm Angling Club member who has spent several sessions on the water targeting the species reports landing two tench of 9lbs 2ozs and 9lbs 7ozs respectively, along with several quality back-up fish on his most recent trip.

A venue record tench of 10lbs 2ozs has been landed at Crabmill Flash, where the water’s giant bream have been spotted going through spawning rituals.

The first carp of the year has been landed from this ultra-tough venue in the form of an immaculate common carp that weighed in at 18lbs.

This fish was named ‘Immac’ by member Dave Abbot last year after he landed it at 16lbs, when he described it as the best conditioned carp that had ever graced his net.

Both carp and tench are now patrolling the weed-filled margins on this venue.

Founders Pool is in top form at the moment, with anglers who are feeding very accurately taking several carp into the mid-twenties. A spawned-out leather carp weighing more than 23lbs was one of the more notable captures this week.

Shakerley Mere has been busy in terms of the number of anglers that are fishing the water but not in the numbers of fish caught as hot weather still encourages them to spawn.

For those who like to cast a fly, the fishing has been particularly good lately on the River Dane at Congleton, where both trout and grayling have been willing surface feeders. Evenings are best, with rises increasing towards dusk.

Pleasure anglers are still finding the tench sport at Grimsditch Mill Pool to be nothing short of spectacular and the venue is becoming a firm favourite with junior members who are almost guaranteed bites with the occasional bit of rod-bending action.

Bonus roach of up to 2lbs and carp to 14lbs have also shown.

There will be a work party on the club’s Atcham stretch of the River Severn this Sunday, June 7. Anyone who attends will receive a full overstamp for the 2010 closed season.

Besides doing much-needed preparation work for the forthcoming river season, you will acquire more knowledge about the river and its fish on this work party than you would over several fishing trips.

The main meeting point will be the car park downstream of the River Tern confluence at 9.30am. You can either travel in convoy from Whitley Pool, leaving at 7.30am or make your own way there.

If you have any grass-cutting tools or spades then please bring them along but make sure you have the appropriate personal protection equipment for the work being carried out.

To contact the club, e-mail or leave a message on 07928 933453.