SAILOR Andrew Brown will be tackling the European Youth Championships again this summer.

The 17-year-old from Appleton was seventh in the Europeans last year in his first season in the laser radial class.

The former topper world champion has been boosted in his efforts to make an impact at July’s event after receiving sporting master classes from British Olympians Debbie Flood, Katharine Merry and Ashia Hansen.

That came at the launch event to Brown being invited back on the Lloyds TSB Local Heroes initiative.

Last year Brown was one of 250 youngsters across the UK fast-tracked as a future British Olympian and given £1,000 to cover the costs of travelling and competing nationally and internationally.

Brown is determined to repay the faith shown in him.

He said: “It gave me a real boost to my confidence to be selected again because it means that people are watching my progress and believe that I am still sailing well.

“It would be great do well at the Europeans this summer and hopefully I can do that.

“Going to the workshop was great because I got to meet Olympians like Debbie Flood and hear about her experiences in Beijing.

“Even though she is not a sailor it was still very inspiring to hear from someone who had been there and experienced an Olympics because that is what I want to do one day.”

Flood, who won rowing silver at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, was impressed by what she saw in Brown, who is already an established part of Britain’s youth squad.

“It has been a real privilege to meet some of these youngsters,” said Flood.

“I know there’s going to be a handful which will go on and represent Great Britain at an Olympic Games, whether that is at London 2012 or in 2016.

“The boost and confidence the likes of Andrew will receive after being recognised by this initiative will act as a real spur going forward.

“Hopefully tapping into the knowledge and experience of former Olympians can only benefit Andrew and I was really impressed by his determination.”

* Lloyds TSB is providing £1,000 to over 250 emerging young sportspeople identified each year across Britain, in the run up to London 2012 and beyond. Visit