WINNING the Sid Jones Open is becoming something of a habit for local match angler Jim Byrne after he took the honours for the second year running on Saturday.

Fishing on the Bridgewater Canal at Preston Brook, he put together a nice net of roach which tipped the scales at 6lbs 13ozs 0drms.

Sorry Jim but if you win it next year, you do not get to keep it.

Warrington Anglers’ Association member Peter Wright reports a good catch of 11 bream from Worthington Lakes taken on double maggot using a small ground-bait feeder.

He changed two sweetcorn for a short spell and landed two carp in the 8lbs to 10lbs range, which gave him a few anxious moments on his 2.5lbs hook length.

Tench are going mad at Cicily Mill Pool, where members are reporting good catches of these suicidal fish which are taking most baits thrown at them. John Roberts reports catching a crucian carp on corn weighing in at 4-8-0.

Statham Pool is producing some decent mixed catches of roach and skimmers despite the fact some pegs are still suffering from high water conditions. We are trying to get this problem resolved but it is not as simple as first envisaged.

We are disappointed not to be able to open Ackers Pit at present because, quite simply, the water is full of algae of the horrible, slimy variety.

This indicates a problem with water quality which the Environment Agency is currently investigating. We are also working closely with Stockton Heath Parish Council who share our concern.

So far the fish do not appear to be affected.

At Moore Quarry our bailiffs are still monitoring the situation closely and we are hopeful to open it within the next few weeks. But this all depends on the fish.

Don’t forget to join our campaign against blanket free canoe access to our Welsh rivers, while we anglers have paid hard cash for the privilege to fish then. Visit our website for further details at Let me have your catch reports on 01928 716238, fax 01928 713898 or e-mail HQ Parker Street will be open as usual tomorrow, Friday, between 7pm and 9.30pm for subscriptions and new memberships.