WARRINGTON athlete Heather Timmins received a visit from her mentor Dame Kelly Holmes while training in Portugal in preparation for the summer season.

Timmins has been a member of the double Olympic champion’s ‘On Camp with Kelly’ initiative, supported by Aviva, since early 2008.

She was one of 14 athletes to take part in warm weather training in Vilamoura and was delighted to get the opportunity to learn from Dame Kelly.

Timmins said: “It is good to go away from home as it is much easier to concentrate on your training and you get more time to recover between training sessions. I enjoyed having the opportunity to spend time with Kelly.”

Dame Kelly, pictured right with Timmins, added: “A warm weather training trip is an important part of any athlete’s preparation for the summer season.

“It was very important for me to be able to spend time with Heather in Portugal and catch up on her progress.”