IT’S surprising what one good result can do.

After Friday’s win against Bradford, everyone round here has perked up and the atmosphere is good now.

Personally, I think it’s been coming. I got the feeling that it didn’t matter who we played, we would have put points on anyone that night.

It was really good to get points on the board because that helps breed confidence but you have to remember, we still conceded 22 points and I don’t think that’s good enough.

Then again, not many teams could go to Odsal and score that many points so it’s swings and roundabouts really.

Rugby’s a simple game really and when you do the basics right, it pays off. There were no fussy plays out there against Bradford, it was just people running good lines, making passes count.

Everyone was running off each other and for the first time, we looked like a proper team.

Moz was outstanding and Briersy was up there too. Whatever people say, we missed him when he was injured, he’s one of the best.

Hicksy got a hat-trick as well so it was good to see him hit top form but everyone played their part and I don’t think there is one player you can say had a bad game.

I think I’ve replayed the game a couple of times already, especially my two tries! It’s good to enjoy those moments, especially as I don’t score that many.

My first try was a bit of a strange one though, I really don’t know what Rikki Sheriffe was trying to do by stopping the kick off from going out of bounds.

I just remember chasing down the kick but as Woody stopped running when the ball looked to be heading out, I just kept going and when it fell into the in-goal area, I pounced on it.

Woody was winding me up afterwards saying it was the kind of try he could have scored but he didn’t keep on running and that’s what makes him a prop forward!

It’s good to have moments like that because it’s been a tough season so far, it always is when you’re not winning games. I’ve been that nervy at times that I’m losing what hair I still have left.

But the result at Bradford has changed all that. We came into training this week with smiles on our faces and we are all upbeat about the challenges ahead.

We can’t afford to dwell on the win at Odsal though or else we’ll come unstuck against Huddersfield on Sunday.

Before they lost to Leeds at the weekend, they were one of the form teams in Super League and they’re still right up there now.

They’ve got a good coach, a good squad and they’re obviously doing something right, so we’ll have to be at our best to beat them.

One thing you can always rely on with Huddersfield is a strong physical challenge. They’ve got a huge pack and we know we’ll have a battle on our hands.

I know a few teams aren’t happy with their tactics, particularly around rucks, but I suppose that’s because those tactics are working.

You have to fight to get quick play-the-balls against them because they’re always trying to slow it down. But hopefully that doesn’t happen on Sunday because I need quick play-the-balls for my game to work.

As long as we match them up front and play to our potential, I’m confident that we can get a result. If we beat Huddersfield it really would be a case of ‘the season starts here’.

I hear Woody’s been offered a new contract this week. That’s a shame really because I was hoping to see the back of him but now I’ve got to put up with him for another year.

If he gets a testimonial next year, I’m not going to any of the events, or at least I’m not dipping my hand in my pocket for them!

Only joking, it’s good to see he’s got a new deal, along with the other two lads as well.

One last thing. I’d like to congratulate Kevin Penny after his girlfriend gave birth to their baby.