FIDDLERS Ferry Sailing Club’s Ditchfield Trophy proved to be a family affair as father and son, Tony and Reece Tomlinson, went head-to-head.

From the start of the five-mile race, many of the boats drifted with the tide, so slack was the wind. But that situation did not last long once they had passed the Ferry Inn, where a couple of boats took advantage of the light winds.

As they rounded the last turn before the home straight, Reece Tomlinson, in his Laser, had a slight lead over his father in the Albacore.

The 15-year-old managed to hold his lead until 20 feet from the line, when his father tacked in front of the Laser to finish first, but it was not enough for him to win the race on adjusted handicap.

Third spot was taken by Wayfarer, Crackin Cheese, helmed by Tom Roberts, who finished some nine minutes behind the winner.

The next race at Fiddlers Ferry is on April 9, 1.05pm start.