Moore 3rd XV 17 Ruskin Park 2nd XV 85

DESPITE approaching the game with optimism, Moore were comfrotably beaten by Ruskin Park on Saturday.

Moore were strengthened in the forwards and initially, their pack put pressure on the visitors.

Brown and Senior crashed into the Park defence and gained yardage but could not break through due to good tackling.

Within a few minutes, the visitors turned the ball over and then their backs showed how dangerous they would turn out to be.

Moore's backs were not in the same league and the Park stand off and full back created plenty of opportunities for their teammates to run the ball.

Missed tackles by the home defence didn't help and the first try came as a result.

Shortly after, a charged down kick led to the second and a series of scores followed to leave the visitors 36 points ahead at half time.

The second half was much the same, with the Moore pack holding their own, and many solo breaks testing the visitors’ defence but not quite breaking through.

Frequently the ball was turned over from these breaks and the Park backs continued to pile on the points to lead 71-0.

Finally Senior forced his way over the line and Hollington added the conversion to put Moore on the score sheet.

Two injuries to Moore players near the end saw substitutes Holland and Ferguson join the game.

Within minutes Holland added another try and conversion and Hollington added a penalty.