WARRINGTON Wolves trail Castleford 6-0 at the break after another lacklustre display.

Brett Ferres scored seven minutes before the break to break the deadlock in a first half where defences dominated.

Kevin Penny has been solid on his return to the side, standing up to any challenge presenting to him.

But the winger has seen far too little ball and has not had the chance to utilise the blistering pace that makes him such a potent attacking weapon.

Looking to bounce back after their bad Friday against fierce rivals Wakefield, Cas started with plenty of purpose.

They were the ones who showed more attacking initiative early on, moving the ball wide at every opportunity, somewhat predictably targeting the defensive pairing of Penny and Matt King on Wolves’ left.

But the pair found answers to any question asked of them, particularly impressive in dealing with one high bomb from Brent Sherwin under heavy pressure from Kirk Dixon and James Evans.

Preferring to use their big battering rams, Warrington played it mainly down the middle and were sometimes a little sluggish in finding the flanks.

Warrington still had their chances – good ones at that.

After Ben Westwood intercepted a kick from Sherwin, Wolves sensed a chance to catch their opponents cold but Dixon did well to claim a testing high kick from Chris Bridge.

Then, after Ben Harrison had made a powerful break, Adrian Morley knocked on Paul Rauhihi’s short pass as they try line beckoned.

The deadline was only broken seven minutes before the break and it was the visitors who took their chance.

From the scrum following a Paul Wood knock-on, the ball was shifted out left and Michael Wainwright made a clean break before sending an inside pass to Brett Ferres.

Simon Grix could do nothing to stop the second row and Dixon converted to open a six-point gap.