SAM Burgess admits he was “surprised” his Warrington Wolves side managed to emerge victorious at Hull FC despite an error-strewn performance.

The Wire made a total of 19 errors and completed fewer than half of their sets, but still managed to snatch a 24-18 victory in East Yorkshire to bring a run of three straight losses to an end.

However, Burgess admits his players have to “smarten up” in terms of their performances as they now approach a two-week break from fixtures.

Here is everything the Wire boss said in his post-match press conference…

Q: What’s the feeling after that one? Pleased? Relieved?

SB: I don’t know yet. I don’t know how I feel.

I’m happy we got the two points, but we need to be better.

Q: Food for thought then?

SB: Yeah – we made too many mistakes.

I think we made 19 errors, which is way too many.

Q: Can you pinpoint why things like that are happening? As performance levels will be nowhere near what you want?

SB: No it’s not, and I’m surprised we won because we completed at 44 per cent for the game which isn’t good enough.

On the other side of that, I’m proud of their effort in some areas because they’ve managed to win a game with no ball having given it up every other set.

They’re doing a lot right and they care a lot about the team, but we’ve got to be a bit smarter.

I’m happy we grabbed two points leading into the break.

Q: Was it two points you really needed after the past few weeks?

SB: They’re all needed – the competition is so tight, so they’re all needed.

I thought Hull were good as well – they tried hard and played with a lot more energy. They will be disappointed with the result whereas we’re on the other side of it in that we’re happy to have got away with one.

Q: Based on what you’ve said with completion rates, errors and things like that, do you think you were fortunate to win today?

SB: What I said earlier is that we weren’t good but I was happy with their effort in defence, then Duff comes up with a magical play at the end and he saved us.

You’ve got to be happy with some aspects of the game when you’re at 44 per cent completion and you still win. Our defensive effort in so many areas – I can’t ask for more from them.

I’ve just got to ask them to be a bit smarter with the ball because you lose 95 per cent of the games in which you complete at 44 per cent.

Q: Your big players stepped up in big moments to get you over the line – Matt Dufty with his winning try, George Williams had some good touches, indeed him and Josh Thewlis showed what you missed last week with them not in the side?

SB: George came up with some good moments but also had some poor ones, so they cancel each other out.

I’m just happy we got the two points we came for – it was far from a polished performance but the guys will have a bit of time off now.

Q: Do you feel like this break has come at a good time?

SB: There’s a few busted-up guys in there looking forward to having a couple of days away.

That’s more mentally as well as we’ve had a big period. We’ve got 10 or 11 league games left, so this is a good chance for us to get away, reset and come back in with a little bit of energy.

Q: Have you seen anything in the performances over the past few weeks that is causing you more concern and that you feel can’t be fixed easily?

SB: They can all be fixed.

The team are trying hard in every game. Our biggest loss of the season is 10 points – no game has got away from us and there hasn’t been a game in which they’ve stopped trying.

They’re giving their best, but we’ve got to smarten up in areas.

Not one team has blown us off the park – they’ve beaten us through our poor errors and mistakes.

I’ve got to fix them with a bit of smartness and some decision-making things, but they’re not big things to change when the effort is there.