ONCE again, we are giving you – the fans – a chance to be a part of our Warrington Wolves coverage for 2024.

Our Warrington Guardian Fan Panel is returning for 2024 and while some of last year’s members are returning, we are looking to build our roster of contributors.

Here at the Guardian, we believe it is critical for the fans' voices to be heard and as we continue our unrivalled coverage of your team, we want you to have your say.

We will aim to publish Fan Panel pieces in reaction to every game, with detailed and considered thoughts from our panel members on what they have seen.

There may also be opportunities for further involvement from fans in our Wire coverage as the season progresses, details for which are currently being worked out.

Interested? Our Warrington Wolves reporter Matt Turner is looking forward to hearing from you!

You can get in touch to register your interest by emailing matthew.turner@nqnw.co.uk or via direct message on Twitter (X) @MattTurner_WG