SUPPORTERS have been reacting to the Warrington Wolves match with Leigh Centurions at Leigh Sports Village.

Here's a selection of the thoughts of those who are having their say.

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On the Warrington Wolves-Warrington Guardian Facebook page:

Rob Smith: Take a long hard look in the mirror

John Knox: Leigh were far more slick in attack. We panicked when we had decent possession. All the 50/50 calls went against us. High shot penalties were ignored by Chris Kendal. Why did we not take the 2 points just before half time baffles me. But despite how we are playing at the moment we are top. Huge improvements are needed to win trophies.

Lee Chambers: With the exception of Dufty and Ashton our back line is god awful.

Powell needs to pull his finger out and replace Mikaele, said we would and since he’s gone we haven’t been the same…

On the Warrington Guardian Facebook page:

Sonia Clarke: Leigh deserved it .We were totally outplayed

Ivor Bowler: Lost twice the week after hard fought wins in the south of France, maybe just a coincidence, maybe takes more out of. the players than we realise.

I’ll take top of the league after 13 rounds , could never have hoped for this after last year.

Paul Giblin: Leigh deservrd the win ,wire were clueless