Q. Do you have any unusual hobbies?

A. I play the guitar a little bit, although I haven't been playing it at the minute. I play a bit of snooker now and again, anything sporty really. I'm into tennis at the moment with Sully. He's a good tennis player and I haven't beaten him yet so I've got to beat him - that's my aim for the year!

Q. How much television do you watch every week?

A. From when I get home from training until I go to bed! I lie on the couch and watch telly unless I'm out doing something else. There's nothing else to do really, it's boring.

Q. What is your favourite programme?

A. It's the soaps, the Emmerdales and the Coronation Streets. I think Emmerdale is beating them all at the minute, it's been getting quite good. Who killed Tom King?

Q. What is your most annoying habit?

A. Lying on the sofa, throwing the remote in the air and catching it. I've got a habit of that and my missus hates it but I just can't stop doing it!

Q. If you weren't a rugby league player, what would you be doing?

A. More likely bricklaying with my father. My dad's a bricklayer and I did a bricklaying course after school so that's what I'll probably do after playing unless something else pops up.

Q. Who is your best friend in rugby league?

A. Ben Cockayne who plays for Hull KR. He was my friend out of rugby league as well, I've known him since we were kids because we went to school together. The Warrington players are all my best friends too.

Q. What is your favourite try from your career so far?

A. I think the first try I ever scored on Sky Sports for Wakefield against Salford was a memorable one and obviously the few hat-tricks I've scored were memorable.

Q. What is your favourite away ground?

A. My favourite is Wigan. I like to play there, especially in night games on television and especially when we win as well!