ADRIAN Morley is confident he will be able to withstand a blow to his left eye on his home debut against Hull KR on Sunday.

Morley has been out for five weeks since fractured his eye socket at Wigan and has had a plate fitted on the left side of his face.

The plate will stay now and Morley said: "It gives me protection and the specialists know what they're talking about when they said you're good to play.

"I'd be very unlucky to get a direct blow on the spot but even so, with the screws in place, it will take the blow."

Morley has had his fair share of injuries in his 13-year career and reckons the eye socket fracture was not the most serious he has had.

"It's hard to compare injuries," he said.

"I broke my arm and I got a plate in that and was out for longer.

"The good thing about this one was, because it was just my face, I could still run around and do a certain amount of training.

"I also had a back operation, which was probably the most serious of the lot. So as far as comparing, it's not really as bad as other injuries."