ST Helens are a better side now than when they won last year's Grand Final, according to Paul Cullen.

Saints beat Hull FC to win Super League last year, having already won the Challenge Cup and the League Leaders' Shield in 2006, but have added to that with World Club Challenge victory against Brisbane Broncos this year.

And, while Cullen thinks Wolves have improved since last year, he reckons St Helens, who travel to The Halliwell Jones Stadium tonight, Friday, having swept past Bradford Bulls last weekend, are also better despite losing two early Super League games.

He said: "In my opinion Saints are better this year than they were last year, regardless of the fact that they lost a couple of games early on when they were in preparation for the World Club Challenge and were also going through a little bit of an injury crisis.

"Now they're not and they hit a peak for the Brisbane game, held it for Bradford and who's to say that can't continue for St Helens. But we're duty bound to try to stop them.

"Although we've improved we know full well they have.

"For the last four years there has only been one play that has separated both teams.

"Saints have always had the mental toughness, ability and skill to come up with that one play.

"We know we've got to be at their level simply to compete, let alone beat them.

"They didn't look like they missed Paul Sculthorpe, Maurie Fa'asavalu, Mike Bennett or Jason Hooper last week against Bradford.

"I thought James Roby was sensational on the back of movement from Paul Wellens, Ade Gardner, Francis Meli, Willie Talau and Matt Gidley.

"Their back five are very dominant on their exit sets. They win collision and set the pace and tone of the game.

"And the moment someone gets through the line and get a quick play-the-ball, Saints are the best in the world, bar none, at exploiting teams when they're on the back foot.

"Our plan is not to be on the back foot as much as Bradford were."