ACTION remains a little unpredictable at the moment for Lymm Angling Club members, although some waters do continue to be as reliable as ever.

Sue and Chris Jupp spent a couple of hours on Whitley Pool last week and received no action whatsoever apart from one half-baked bite.

But they moved over to Village Pool where their fortunes immediately changed. Following that change, both Sue and Chris were landing big roach and some decent bream.

Chris and Sue's exploits on Whitley are not an isolated incident because of action during the fullness of the day has been very slow, with things only improving when its getting dark or very early in the morning when the sun is just rising.

Sue, making the most of her week off work, spent an afternoon on Willow Pool and was very glad she did as she landed a string of fine and vigorous carp to 12lbs 4ozs 0drms.

These fish gave a very good account of themselves and Sue was happy that she had decided to use her heavy carp pole, although she complained of aching arms for the next three days.

Work parties held last Saturday were extremely productive with much good work undertaken and completed.

Many thanks to all who attended and, with the increase of supervising officials, all attendees were efficiently placed on required tasks.

The next scheduled work party is set for Sunday, again meeting at Whitley Pool store at 9pm.

Please note that the last day to coarse fish rivers will be on Wednesday.

It will also be the last day to fish Tabley Moat and Mere, Willow Pool, Yewtree Pool, Beech Pool, Rowan Pool, Oak Pool, Monks Moat, Friars Pool and Woodside Pool.

Unless you have a 12-hour overstamp, Lymmvale and Stockport, Belmont Pool, Statham Pool, Whitley Pool and Village also close.

Members who find it difficult to attend work parties are reminded of the alternative option to gain a 12-hour overstamp.

That is to pay a £50 maintenance fee, which will be used to buy in the services of landscape gardening organisations to fill any shortfall in required labour.

Waters that stay open for all members - with or without an overstamp - are Shakerley Mere, Abbey Lake, Grimsditch Mill Pool, Sandy and Sandybank Pools, Manor Pool, Farm Pool and Founders Pool and the rivers for game fishing only.

I can be contacted on 411774 but be prepared to leave a message.