ON February 5 2003, seven months before she was murdered, Shafilea Ahmed made an emergency application for housing to social services.

This is a copy of her statement during which she requested a one-bedroom flat, anywhere in the town but Great Sankey.

Left Accommodation because of violence/threats of violence

Q How would re-housing help to minimise the risk?

A Remove me from the situation.

Q Nature and extent of violence or threats of violence?

A Regular incidents since I was 15/16. One parent would hold me while the other hit me. I was prevented from attending college and my part-time job.

Q What impact has this had on your physical and mental health and wellbeing?

A Scared of going back to my parents. Frightened enough to flee my home.


Applicant’s description of events leading to situation

There had been a build up of violence towards me and my mother told me I was about to go to Pakistan to have an arranged marriage.

My mother had started to pack and my parents had been into school and informed teachers that I would be absent to go to Pakistan.

My teachers have approached my parents in the past about them preventing me from attending school and threatened to get social services involved.

I would prefer to stay in Warrington and I feel that if I was offered accommodation my parents would leave me alone because of the involvement of the police, school, Connexions etc.


Client signature S.Ahmed 5/2/03 (5th February 2003)