Below is an extract from the diary of Shahin Munir.

Shahin, a friend of Shafilea’s sister Mevish, was a key witness in the trial.



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Diary, Oh my god. Today I met up with Mev. And we went to the park.

I asked her to read out what she wrote down and she couldn't. She was very nervous. Her arm kept shaking and she said that's what happens when she gets paranoid. We were just talking and she told me about how everyone treats her like ****.

They are all on her since the day she ran away, that night she didn't come home.

Eventually she told me what happened with her sister Shafilea.

They all went Pakistan, to sort her out. They sedated her as she didn't actually want to go.

Then the bleach thing happened and that was an accident but their family just said let her die. They all went except her and Mev.

Shafilea was very ill. She lost a lot of weight. But her Mum told Mev to stop caring for her, like stop trying to feed her etc.

They came home and she went to the hospital but her Mum looked at though as she didn't want her to survive. They didn't want her to survive and the doctors didn't think she would either. But she did.

That night, like when everything happened, Shafilea came home from from work and they started shouting at her because she had a T-shirt on and she forgot her coat.

They sat her down on the chair. The chair that Mev has to sit down on. Her Dad went mad and started proper hitting her. Mev tried to stop it but her Mum pushed her away, they didn't think she was still in the kitchen.

Shafilea was still weak from the whole bleach thing. Then Junyad got a plastic bag. Alesha had run up by this point. They used the bag to suffocate her.

1 – 2 minutes gone. Just like Mev wrote. That's it, that's how it happened. Mev ran up. No one was allowed in the kitchen. Junyad had said she deserved it.

Mev's mum tried to tell her Shafilea had ran away. Then they disposed of the body.

But Mev's scared. They say things like ‘you know what happened to the other one’.

Diary, I don't even know what to say. I told her if anything happens again she should come straight to mine. She's scared for her life. You can tell. I'm going to help her. I know I am.

Diary **** me, she's so scared, you can see it in her eyes.

That's why her family treat her like ****. She saw everything and she's clearly the only normal one left. Alesha is very two faced. When I told her I cut myself, she rang Mev and told her not to speak to me because I'm weird. She makes Mev drug deal so she can use the money for clothes.

When Mev went to Leicester, it was to get away from home, but Alesha made her get a taxi to their flat and ask a security guard to let her in because she couldn't be bothered opening the door.

Mev was on her own most of the time, even had to do the washing up.

Alesha told her not to come unless she had the money.

It's ****** up, it really is.

They don't want Mev going Uni, but she needs to get away. She's living this life of fear and paranoia. She was ill when she saw her own parents kill her sister.

Diary I need to go, but I'm going to do whatever it takes to help her.

By the way Miriam's here, and Suhel came down yesterday.

I have to go, Shahin x