BOGUS planning notices have been causing a stir in Sankey Bridges after they were pinned along Liverpool Road and in the town centre.

The fake proposals for the Arpley landfill site spread panic among groups in the area who have been opposing plans which would see the life of the tip extended to 2025.

But on closer inspection the notices were soon found to be a fraud with promises of chimneys blowing pink smoke, cars banned on bridges and a green theme park.

Amanda Bohanna, chair of Residents Against Arpley Tip, said: “We think it must have been a local artist who created the notices and website but a lot of people are really angry about it and think it’s poor taste.

“We want people to work with us and not against us.

“We knew it was bogus from the start but don’t know why someone would want to wind up the community when we are working hard to stop the landfill from being used.”

The ‘new Arpley’ site uses the shape of Warrington with the river Mersey running through it to create a ‘green heart with a bue spine’.

The plans include pink smoke being blown from the Unilever chimneys every Wednesday during July 2011, the bridges at Mersey Street/Bridge Street and Wilderspool Causeway closed to cars on the first Friday of every month and accessible to cyclists and pedestrians only and Moore Nature Reserve being turned into ‘a green amusement park including a dry-sledging slope’ with a picture of a happy sledder.

Andy Farrall, executive director of environment and regeneration at Warrington Borough Council, said: “It has been brought to our attention that a number of notices appearing to relate to development and applications for planning permission have been displayed in some parts of the Warrington area.

“Though these look professional they have nothing to do with Warrington Borough Council.”

He added the content of the plan’s website is not connected to the council either.

Anyone with information about the fake Arpley plans can contact the newsdesk on 434112 or e-mail