PRIESTLEY College is having funding cut with a 13 per cent reduction over the next three years.

That will mean a loss of around £270,000 this year from the £11million budget, with the same figure then cut for the next two years.

Deputy principal Matthew Grant says there will be no redundancies or reductions in courses.

He said: “It is not what we want but it’s manageable.

“There will be no drastic actions because we are able to spread the impact over three years.

“We have to change our priorities but can do so gradually.”

Mr Grant said that money would be saved by using less supply teachers and external staff.

“We can monitor what the impact will be and not do anything that will be to the detriment of the college,” he added.

The entitlement funding was cut as part of a Goverment decision to reduce budgets in all post 16 sixth forms and colleges.