RESIDENTS of an Orford street say they are sick of vandalism and crime on their doorstep.

Householders on Buttermere Crescent say there have been numerous incidents of theft, criminal damage and burglary.

Michelle Taylor witnessed a man smashing the windows of her husband's car last Tuesday.

She called the police and was told that someone would be sent out. When no-one had arrived by 6am the following morning she went to bed.

She had not been told that the officer had been diverted from the call out to deal with a violent offender.

"My husband Shaun rang the next day to ask and they said they had forgotten," said Michelle, aged 43, whose own car was hit by a joy rider.

"This is only a small little crescent but we keep on getting these things happening.

"People have had paint stripper thrown at their cars. There's an alleyway and I think they use that for access."

A Cheshire Police spokesman said: "An officer has spoken to Mrs Taylor about her incident and as a result of further information being obtained, has referred her case to the local neighbourhood policing unit for investigation."