HOOD Manor residents voted speeding their number one crime concern.

They choose it as the number one police priority at last week's Great Sankey South Community Action Meeting (CAM).

Officers will now target traffic on the hotspots identified by residents - Canons Road, Hood Lane North and Dorchester Road.

Police will also monitor parking in the general area.

Natalie Giles, the community support officer, also appealed for volunteers to set up a community speed watch for the area.

Volunteers are trained to use speed cameras and police send warning letters to people they catch.

Community Action Meetings are bi-monthly meetings set up by the police to give people a chance to say what their biggest crime issue is. Officers then target that issue until the next meeting and report back on how they got on.

The next Sankey South CAM is at Great Sankey Library at 10.30am on Saturday, October 14.