PC Christopher Jude is back on duty but deskbound until a potential disciplinary hearing sometime next year.

The 27-year-old was cleared of attacking a suspect on a drugs raid then planting a knife on him after a six-week trial. Merseyside Police lifted his suspension but he is on restricted duties without contact with the public until the hearing decision is taken.

A court order bars the reporting of his address and that of his three co-defendants, who were cleared of failing to stop the attack and giving false statements about it.

The trial heard that one officer had been told there was a contract out to murder him, and also heard the Gee crime family were active in the area of the raid, Anfield.

Merseyside Police's Professional Standards Department (PSD) will spend months studying transcripts of the case to see if it wants to bring disciplinary charges.

There are several issues the unit may consider studying: PC Jude admitted using his bare hands to put the knife into an exhibit container in the aftermath of the raid because his gloves were too bulky. His DNA was found on the handle.

PC Jude went to guard the suspect in hospital after the raid. A custody sergeant had phoned PC Jude's unit to express his concern about this decision. He said no-one else was available at the time.

He was alleged to have bullied another officer who was a fellow defendant, which PC Jude denied.