PUBLIC drinking bans in selected areas across town could soon be introduced under a pilot scheme.

The idea has aroused interest among members of the new Liberal Democrat and Conservative alliance that controls the borough council.

Bylaws could ban drinking in selected areas, and the borough council would have the ability to make a borough- wide ban.

The idea is being considered in Lymm and Great Sankey.

Great Sankey councillor Liz Smith is arranging a meeting with police and a member of the borough council's legal team to discuss a bylaw for the area.

"Police, councillors and residents are keen for it to happen," said Clr Smith, speaking at Hood Manor Community Centre during a public meeting last week.

"There are a lot of councillors who are interested in this across the town. If we can get this off the ground here, we can use it as a pilot for other areas."

She told the Warrington Guardian afterwards: "One of the things we don't want to do is criminalise families going for a picnic - though you could argue that would be a small price to pay."

Police officers would welcome the laws because at present under age youths drinking in the street often simply pass all the alcohol to a friend over 18 when the police show up.

Sgt Chris Jack, of Great Sankey police station, said: "It would be so helpful from our point of view. I can't see anything but good coming out of it for communities."