A GRAPPENHALL youngster swapped studies for Shanghai to take part in a most unusual school trip.

Jonathon Woodruff, aged 17, was chosen to represent his school and the British Council on a two-and-a-half week trip to China earlier in the summer.

The Victoria Avenue youngster studies Mandarin as an extra-curricular activity at Altrincham School for Boys and was one of seven to take the trip.

He said with the massive growth in the Orient in terms of trade, Mandarin will be hugely useful.

He added: "It was the best thing I have done.

"I am looking forward to moving into business when I leave school and this will be a big help.

"It was fantastic to go out there and Mandarin is one of the most important languages in the world to learn because China is such a huge economic power."

During the trip, he stayed with a Chinese family as well as visiting some of Shanghai's most important cultural sites.

The group also worked with children with special needs as the trip was organised around the 2006 Special Olympics which will be held in the city.

Jonathon has already invited the student he stayed with to come back to the UK and says there could be a return trip organised.