YOU work hard all year, paying the bills, punching the clock, counting down the days to your two weeks of freedom away from the office, the housework and the mounting basket of ironing that never seems to go down.

And what do you get for all your troubles? Terrorists trying to blow up your plane and causing more chaos than a Kerry Katona guest appearance in Bewsey or a washed up Aussie RL star jetting into town for a post-season holiday.

Don't misunderstand, I don't wish to be flippant about the whole airport/airplane security saga that has dominated the headlines in the past seven days. The authorities should be congratulated for their efforts in thwarting the latest attempt to destroy lives.

What really does get my goat, however, is that we should allow these people to take over our lives.

Most people travelling abroad - particularly on a summer holiday - like to have a few home comforts about their person as they board the plane.

So what gives these deranged murderers the right to take away our civil rights to keep these most important and cherished items with us when we board our flight?

Not being the lightest of travellers, and having a couple of smallish children to cater for, my handbag is usually on a par with Mary Poppins' famous holdall whenever I go to the airport: packet of tissues, wet wipes, a couple of drinks, a packet of crisps, some boiled sweets for those with ears of a sensitive nature upon landing, and of course, my lipstick, for that all important first appearance on foreign soil.

So why should these morons stop me from keeping these essential items with me?

I have no problem in having my case, my bag and my shoes (if they can find a security guard brave enough) scanned, but please allow me to feel like I am going on holiday and not to some military camp for the next two weeks.

We hear this week that the authorities are beginning to relax the rules, dropping the alert from imminent to critical and allowing each person to take a small item of hand luggage into the cabin, dimensions of which can be found at the usual places, (you're a better man than me if you can find them!) So do I take my bag of many pockets? My jumbo, over the shoulder (big enough to carry a small child in) saddle bag? Or will I be limited to a hideous see-through plastic bag when I arrive at the airport?

Due to travel to Europe in the not too distant future, I check the news and Internet daily to know exactly what I can and cannot take on board, hence my suitcase is changing in shape (and weight) by the hour.

This is MY holiday, with MY family, and MY civil liberties that are being taken away. Don't let these terrorists/freedom fighters (or whatever the heartless, publicity-seeking idiots want to call themselves these days) take that away!

Happy holidays!