WHAT a reflection on modern day life when a man texts his wife-to-be on their wedding day to tell her he can't go through with it.

I have to say, I haven't got much sympathy with Sarah Lou. I haven't forgotten the way she pinched Jason off Violet in the first place and bunny-boiled her way to the altar (Coronation Street).

I would have thought Jason would have run a mile from such a girl a long time ago, but like all weak-willed men with not an ounce of oomph about them, he had to leave it til the last minute.

And what a way to go - out of the toilet window!

Charlie (in a suit, hurrah) was the comedy star of the day. He dealt with the unhappy couple's woes with a fake look of concern on his face and was clearly more interested in getting Maria into bed.

Meanwhile, back in the Rovers, Danny Baldwin said possibly the first thing that I have agreed with him on since he arrived in Weatherfield.

"Your barnet is getting more irritating by the minute," he told Adam.

Also getting more irritating by the minute is Jim Branning (EastEnders).

Not content with kicking Bradley out for developing a fighting spirit, he stuck the knife in by reuniting Max with his ex-wife, Rachel.

Some father and grandfather he is turning out to be.

Meanwhile, the Mary Poppins debacle exposed Pauline as the freak show that she really is and made Joe look like more of a fool than ever.

And Ben was up to no good again (all the time with that smile on his face). Displeased with the fact that Phil had to work, he bought a telescope and painted it black so that when his dad looked into it he ended up resembling a panda.

A simple child's trick, you might say. I say it was a cunning, planned act of revenge designed to embarrass.

He's a bad un - you wait and see. It wouldn't surprise me if the little tyke had something to do with that car crash that killed Kathy and her husband.

Or have I been watching too many horror films?

Minty continues setting himself up for a fall with freeloader SJ (remember, you must always be wary of people who go by initials).

Gary tried to make an effort to bond for the sake of his friend but still ended up hating her. I know where you're coming from Gary.

After finding SJ's brother' naked in her flat, Minty still let SJ talk him round. It'll all end in tears