THE grass will certainly be a little greener away from the allotments at Victoria Park at the moment.

That's because a clean-up operation has just got under way at the Knutsford Road park after vandals trashed the gardening patches over the weekend in what users say is becoming a regular occurrence.

One group faced with the tidy up are members of MacIntyre, a charity providing education for adults with learning difficulties, which has an allotment to train some of its members for horticultural qualifications.

Marge Caine, from the charity, said: "Everyone is just so disappointed with what has happened. We had been growing a pumpkin to enter in a competition and they took that and we found it further down the allotment all smashed up. It may seem silly but it meant a lot to the people involved. They also damaged the table and chairs that we use.

"Over the past few weeks it has been happening more and more. One chap got his shed burnt down and they also damaged an ice cream kiosk. They have been doing quite a lot of damage throughout the park.

"We are not sure what we can do about it although there are gates to the allotments. It would cost a fortune to fully secure it."

She said the group is devastated at the damage caused, particularly as produce they grow is sold to help fund running costs.

But the vandals who took part in the latest attack have left a calling card, by adding all their names to the group's table top.

A spokesman for Warrington Borough Council said: "We are aware of the issue and are working with the police and everyone involved to try to resolve it."

If you know who might be behind the incident you can contact Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800555111.