WHICHEVER way you look at it, the increased charges for car parking at Warrington Hospital are unacceptable.

Not only is this a 50 per cent rise, it will affect not only hospital users and visitors, but the long suffering residents living nearby.

Anyone who has tried to use the car park during the day knows there is a problem.

There simply aren't enough spaces.

As it is, plenty of people use the nearby streets to park. If the charges are increased, that problem will only be magnified.

Bosses explain that the rise will meet the extra maintenance costs of the car park and we have to believe them.

But the only long term solution is for a bigger and better car park.

It is unacceptable that nervous and worried people visiting hospitals should be forced to worry looking for loose change and pay to be there.

It is even more unacceptable that they should be faced with such a hike.