I'M writing to encourage your readers to support Cancer Research UK's All Join Together campaign which aims to raise awareness of breast cancer and funds for scientific research into the disease.

This cause is extremely close to my heart as my beautiful daughter Caron lost her life at only 41 years old to breast cancer.

Each year, 42,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with the disease.

It turns their lives upside down and affects everyone around them.

While women of all ages are affected by breast cancer, eight out of 10 cases are in women over 50.

Although Caron lost her life, thanks to research and fresh hope through new treatments, more and more women are surviving.

By supporting Cancer Research UK' All Join Together campaign you have a chance to help them and make a difference for the future.

There are lots of ways to get involved.

Cancer Research UK has put together a special fundraising pack, full of ideas, to help you.

To find out more visit cancerresearchuk.org/breastcancer or call the Hotline on 08701 60 20 40.

Gloria Hunniford

Cancer Research UK