I OBVIOUSLY would agree with Brian Lee's comment in the World, August 2, about the Labour seat in Halton View ward not being a safe seat any more because of the sustained Green vote in the last two elections in the ward.

The Green Party in that ward reduced the Labour majority from 338 to 286 votes in this year's elections and that was with the Lib Dems contesting the seat this year.

I think that Green representation on the council would be beneficial for several reasons.

It would be a breath of fresh air as Brian Lee suggests in that the Greens, unlike the other parties, are a party completely independent of big business and other commercial pressure groups.

That they offer real alternatives in relation to the other parties on issues like health and the environment and could offer a range of innovative and cost saving ideas in terms of council services.

But in particular, it would send a huge message to the other political parties in Westminster about the real concerns of ordinary people.

For instance, their feelings of powerlessness in relation to how they perceive local and central governmental decisions are imposed and their concerns about climate change and the current weak response to this issue of the other political parties.

However, I do not agree with Brian Lee's comments about Rob Polhill.

Although I consider some of the Labour council's policies to be misguided, I know that Rob Polhill is a hard working and approachable councillor.

Derek Mellor, Halton Green Party