A SOCCER-MAD schoolgirl says she is is winning her battle with football's top brass to be allowed to play competitive football against boys.

Jordan Reardon, aged 11, was so heartbroken to have to stop playing for her beloved BPR Leira that she wrote to the Football Association demanding they change the rules.

Mixed teams are banned for safety reasons once they turn 11 but across Europe, the limit can be as old 16 - a point the Runcorn youngster is making loud and clear at Soho Square.

Jordan, a right-winger who supports Manchester United, said: "I e-mailed the head of policy at the FA and he told me that it was going to take time and things couldn't change in time for this season but hopefully for next.

"If it's not going to benefit me, it might help other girls in my situation."

Despite bombarding the FA with e-mails and telephone calls and getting hundreds of signatures on a petition, the delay, although offering a ray of hope for Jordan's campaign, means she has had to leave her mates at Leira and join Frodsham Ladies.

"She's made up to be playing football again," said Jordan's mum, Rachel.

"She was getting really frustrated and, although she misses playing with the lads, Frodsham have been really welcoming.

"We just don't see why it should be up to an individual sat behind a desk who hasn't even seen her play.

"Last year, she was not even the smallest in the team so how can it be about physical development?

"I'm very proud of her, though, because her determination has got them looking into it."

Jordan, of Northwood Road, Runcorn, still trains with her ex-teammates at BPR and is looking forward to a successful season with Frodsham.

She wants to thank everyone who has backed her campaign to get the rules changed.
