A UNITED effort has seen the 'keep out!' message to three thugs named and shamed in the World last week made even louder and clearer.

A mass leaflet drop in the streets the gang terrorised backed up the ASBOs slapped on Lee Coles, Daniel Cosgrove and Michael Naughton banning them from setting foot in Abbey, Canterbury and York Roads.

"With the World's article hitting people's doormats and the leaflets going through their letterboxes, the timing couldn't have been better," said Nick Atkin, chief executive of Halton Housing Trust (HHT), which manages houses.

"The feedback we've had is that residents generally feel more supported and assured that something has been done.

"The fact that people have stood up (to them) and seen results should give them confidence.

"Hopefully the ASBOs will make these lads realise they have got to change their behaviour and stay away."

The leaflets distributed by Halton Council, HHT and Cheshire Police clearly feature the gang's police mug shots.

Despite the pro-active approach, some residents are sceptical that the ASBOs - which also ban the trio from attacking or harassing people and throwing stones - will make a difference even though a breach could mean jail.

"That won't stop them, not lads like that," said 67-year-old Ditton resident Eddie Featherstone.

"It's all very well knowing what they look like but where are they from? What's to stop them causing trouble somewhere else?"
