A LOLLIPOP crisis has emerged in South Cheshire with school children being forced to cross a number of busy roads without the help of essential patrols.

Council chiefs have launched a new recruitment drive in a desperate bid to fill the crossing patrol shortage blighting the area.

Primary school youngsters are currently being forced to negotiate some of Crewe's busiest roads without the aid of a lollipop crossing patroller.

Some positions have been available since the end of the last academic year, although many more remain vacant despite previous recruitment campaigns.

Councillors are keen for volunteers to come forward, emphasising the importance of the crossing patrollers to child safety.

Cllr John Burke, executive member for highways and transportation, said: "Communities rely on these teams to ensure the safety of pupils on their way to and from school.

"It's a real worry that there are so many empty posts. We want to do all we can to promote School Crossing Patrol and encourage parents to stop their children travelling to school by car by publicising walking as a safer, healthier route to school."

The voluntary positions are seen as ideal for many people, with hours to fit around their lifestyle and the job itself being very rewarding.

Once recruited, the volunteers usually enjoy it so much that they continue for many years.

Although all current vacancies are permanent, there are also 'relief' positions available in all areas of Cheshire to cover absences.

Cllr Burke continued: "We hope this campaign will find more people ready to take on a job that will make a difference for hundreds of children and parents."

There are currently vacancies on roads around Broad Street Infants, Church Coppenhall Junior, St Mary's Catholic Primary, Gainsborough Infant & Junior, Hungerford Primary and Offley County Infant & Junior Schools.

For more information, call 01244 603027.