I FEEL compelled to reply to the story of the poor prisoners who are 'left rotting' at the new Manor Park custody suite in Runcorn.

It is bad enough that Mr Waites (the top defence solicitor) has chosen his vocation to be defending the scum that litter our streets instead of helping the borough by prosecuting them, but he rubs salt in the wound by moaning about their boredom.

The poor lambs.

The same old tired excuses for the morally challenged are dragged out continuously by the do-gooders - they just don't have anything to keep them occupied.

I would bet my life savings that each one has in their bedrooms a computer, games console, television, etc.

These anti-social yobs have chosen night after night to inflict as much misery as possible to 'normal' folk.

Can I also ask why the Widnes World is running stories about criminals' rights when the town is overrun with nuisance youth problems?

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