WHAT is going on with the amount of speed bumps in this town? Not only do we have the highest density of speed bumps in the civilised world but they also seem to be the biggest.

Take the example on Upton Bridle Path, Widnes. The square humps are so high that, no matter how slow I go, the bottom of the car still scrapes the bumps.

Because they are the square type of bump, anyone in a 4x4 can go whatever speed they want without a problem.

I can only guess the person asking for the bumps owns a larger, gas-guzzling vehicle.

As with all road planning in Halton, this really doesn't bode well for the new Gateway.

I guess that speed bumps are planned for the existing bridge in order to force people with smaller cars to pay the toll on the new road.

Ian Peterson

Truman Close, Widnes