A TORMENTED community is holding its breath to see if ASBOs slapped on three thugs who terrorised the neighbourhood will do any good.

Gang members Lee Coles, aged 19, Daniel Cosgrove, aged 18, and Michael Naughton, aged 17, are banned from setting foot in Abbey Road, Canterbury Road and York Road for the next two years after waging a campaign of intimidation.

They face up to five years in jail if they breach the ban but while some residents welcome naming and shaming them, others think they have been let off too lightly.

"It's good that their faces are going to be in the paper because they've caused a lot of misery round here," said a Canterbury Road resident, who did not wish to be named.

"It's a shame they couldn't get the lot of them but it's a start. At least people will know what they have done.

"I don't think banning them from the streets is enough. They should get the birch!"

Cosgrove, Coles and Naughton's 12-month reign of havoc included attacking people and hurling missiles at their homes and cars.

It was only thwarted when courageous residents gave police vital evidence used against them in court, although one family who stood up to them were targeted so badly they fled their home only days before Christmas.

A woman in Abbey Road said she had not fallen victim to the troublemakers herself but that she welcomed the decision to release their pictures to the public.

"At least if you know what they look like you can keep an eye out for them," the 46-year-old said.

Another Canterbury Road resident said things had 'quietened down in recent weeks' but questioned how the police could enforce the ban.

Neighbourhood policing inspector Nick Bailey said the ASBOs were a victory for the community and a sign that co-operation between residents, the police and local authorities could work.

"By imposing these ASBOs, it shows that action will be taken against those who cause people misery," he said.

"If breaches do occur they will be arrested and custodial sentences sought. Those who behave in an anti-social way will not be tolerated and I would urge anybody who witnesses any breach to report it."

To report an incident to Widnes police's community action team, call 0845-458 6383.