'SECRET' plans to merge Cheshire's courts service with Merseyside have been slammed by borough council leader Brian Silvester.

He said he was shocked by the proposals and feared courts in Cheshire could close as a result.

Cllr Silvester is chairman of the Cheshire Local Government Association and said he has persuaded the Association to express its concerns over the move.

He said: "There has been no consultation at all and the first the borough council knew about it was in a letter dated July 10 stating that the re-structuring will happen quickly.

"New area directors will be in post in September/October and the new structures will take effect on April 1 next year.

"The courts merger was apparently planned to coincide with the merger of the Cheshire and Merseyside Police.

"The Police merger collapsed because virtually none of the consultees agreed with it. That could be why there has been no consultation on the courts merger.

"I am very concerned about the possible consequences of this.

"Because Merseyside has a much higher crime problem Cheshire will lose out yet again.

"Courts in Cheshire could close and this would be very inconvenient for residents.

"Also resources of the courts service will be sucked into Merseyside, to the detriment of the service supplied by the Cheshire Court Service.

"This is a very underhand move by the Government. They are trying to sneak through a major change whilst Parliament is in recess and at the height of the summer holidays."