plans for a controversial dog grooming room in Lostock Gralam have been turned down.

Sandra Carter, owner of Knutsford-based business Mucky Pups, applied for retrospective planning permission to convert a garage at her Manchester Road home into a dog grooming room.

Neighbours objected to the number of potential clients visiting the premises, barking dogs, traffic movement and waste but last month Mrs Carter made moves to reassure neighbours their fears were unnecessary.

She told the Guardian the main idea behind asking for permission was to allow her the flexibility to work from home and said there were no intentions of relocating the business to Northwich.

The application was met with objections from Lostock Parish Council and eight letters of objection from residents.

A report to Vale Royal Borough Council's planning committee recommended approval with conditions for 12 months to allow the council to assess its impact on neighbouring residents.

However, the planning committee voted against the recommendation.