BOWLING fans in Rixton have been fundraising for a national charity with a very local link.

Rixton with Glazebrook indoor bowling club held its annual charity cup tournament, which raised more than £600 for the Dwarf Athletic Association, set up by Callands resident Flip Den Uil.

There are hundreds of athletes involved in the association, which has just held its national championships.

In August, the association will be holding its European Championships in Belfast which will see growth restricted athletes from across the European Union taking part in the games.

Mr Den Uil, aged 49, helped to found the group 12 years ago after he travelled to America and found what was on offer there for dwarfs who wanted to get involved in sport.

He said: "It is mostly about sponsoring young people with restrictive growth to do something in sport. I never had that opportunity when I was young.

"These kids who get involved in the association are not feeling left out at all and perceptions have changed as my children do not see being of restricted growth as a big problem.

"The organisation was originally started by a group of about 10 of us who were parents and wanted to change things for our kids.

"It was a very nice gesture by the Rixton and Glazebrook bowling club to fund raise for the association."

The winners of the charity cup tournament, sponsored by Vale Construction, were Foster and Foster from Croft.