CINNAMON Brow Community Theatre (CBRT) is a new venture and is bringing drama to life locally.

The theatre company is urging people to get involved and have a say.

CBCT is currently renovating the building replacing existing stage, sound and lighting systems with funds already secured - the planned launch of this venue is scheduled for mid December with a music and theatre extravaganza.

The group is also seeking funding in order to enhance the building and deliver a venue, which is both affordable and accessible to the community of Warrington.

Gearge Greenall says: "As chairman of this new theatre company I would like to invite other like minded people to come along and show their support. Whether they are members of existing companies or just a person with a genuine love for the theatre and live performance."

Future plans also include expanding the building in order to double its capacity and attract some larger more established companies locally and touring.

The committee is still in its embryonic stages and is looking for enthusiastic and committed individuals to join forces and make it a stronger voice. The CBRT, aims include encouraging initiatives which will in turn increase community participation

If anyone would like more information about the theatre group or would like to become involved contact George Greenall on 01706 839383.