RESIDENTS in Hollins Green have spoken out over proposals to move a historic monument.

Villagers say plans are afoot to move the First World War memorial from the junction of School Lane near St Helen's Church just a few yards across so that a grassed area and benches can be installed.

But residents say that they were not given enough time to object to the scheme and claim the money could be better spent on other projects, such as helping to rebuild the Scout hut that was recently destroyed in a fire.

Villager John Leather said: "It seems that the borough council has only informed those people who live in the immediate vicinity of the monument, so the fact that this is happening has been spread slowly by word of mouth. I believe the council wants to move it slightly to one side and put in a grassed area and some benches.

"The monument has been where it is for a very long time, we just don't see any reason as to why it should be moved.

"I only know of one person who wants to see it moved. Another concern is that parking spaces would be lost by moving it as well - that would make traffic worse as far as I can see."

John Drake, area traffic engineer for the borough council, said: "We have been working in conjunction with Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish Council and the community, to develop a traffic management strategy for the area to address concerns relating to existing traffic conditions.

"There have been numerous meetings with the parish council and community during this process to discuss initiatives and schemes.

"As part of the proposals, a request was received to design and implement a scheme to improve the general access arrangements and pedestrian facilities around the war memorial at the School Lane/Dam Lane junctions, creating a focal point for the centre of the village.

"The proposals require the re-location of the monument by about five to six metres from its current position. However, no decisions have been made and the council has requested a further meeting with the parish and ward councillors to review the proposals for the overall scheme."