THE president Brenda Daniels welcomed members to the autumn meeting. It is the 90th anniversary of the formation of the National Women's Institute so this was celebrated with a magnificent cake, made and decorated by Anne Davies. This was served to members with a glass of wine.

Anne was presented with a WI shopping bag.

It was agreed to send £150 to the headquarters in Chester towards repairs.

Details of the forthcoming handicraft meetings are to be given by Marilyn Barlow next month.

Ruth Tipping reported that Egerton Group bowling teams had enjoyed a fun competition at High Legh that was won by Lymm Jubilee.

The Souper Day that was held last year was a great success. This will be repeated on November 12. Members were asked to contribute items for the tombola at the next meeting.

The speaker was Mrs E Burridge who gave an intriguing demonstration of how to make simple wrapping of presents look sophisticated and highly decorative. A vote of thanks was given by Mary Brendon.

Last month's competition for a chocolate recipe was won by Irene Finnigan. The badges raffle was won by Christine Syers.

The speaker next month will be Mrs N Kerkham who will be speaking about herbal remedies and the colour for the sales table will be shades of autumn. There are several vacancies on the committee for 2006. Nominations will be collected at the October meeting.