THE FEAR of an injury claim or a manslaughter charge has driven the borough council to build another footbridge at Walton Lea Gardens.

Council officers pushed for the 24metre footbridge because of health and safety concerns, the development committee heard last week.

Warrington Borough Council officers were unable to say how much the bridge will cost as the build has not yet gone out to tender.

But it is understood it will cost several tens of thousands of pounds.

They were worried people walking over the existing bridge might be hit by cars so the new bridge will be built just east of it.

A borough council report says the risk is 'urgent' and states: "We run the risk of prosecution from the Health and Safety Executive."

Head of development John Grove also said they were concerned about prosecutions for manslaughter.

The new bridge will be built of black painted steel beams and timber decking, to run alongside the existing stone bridge, which was built in 1770.

This was the second time a plan for the new bridge had been submitted.

The original was withdrawn because building it would have seen two mature cedar trees cut down.

A revised plan was submitted and passed that saves the cedar trees but still involves the loss of two mature yew trees.

However the new design will also involve the demolition of a 3m section of listed masonry wall - for the convenience of lazy walkers.

Council officers feared unless they knocked down the wall to make access to the new bridge as easy as possible the slight diversion would put people off - and put them at risk of traffic if they used the existing bridge.

The plan was passed unanimously.

What do you think of the plan?

Write to our Points of View page. See pages 20 and 21 for contact details