by Gwen Ashley

Our president, Mrs Jackson, opened the meeting by welcoming three visitors from Grappenhall WI.

The Cheshire News announced several events coming up, including belly dancing at Comberbach on October 5, a craft day at Woodford on October 6 and a walk in Macclesfield Forest on October 19.

We will need a £5 deposit next month for the Christmas dinner on December 12. Our speaker, Mr Frank Bonser, gave us a very amusing talk on Beside the Seaside. He recounted the terrible state of the spas in the 1700s that led to the use of sea water instead, the first resort being Scarborough. People were dipped into the sea water, whatever the temperature. After many years swimming in the sea became popular. In the 1920s it was good to get a tan, which has gone out of fashion now because of the danger. Without railways people would never be able to get to the seaside. Mr Bonser came up to the present day with hilarious stories of Blackpool and other seaside places.

The Beanstalk Appeal made £30.70 with a cake stall.

The competition for a seaside postcard was won by Mrs Worthington.

The sales table next month will be for anything in a jar. The speaker will be Kathleen Pointon talking about Liquid Embroidery.

The competition is for a hand-made card.

The meeting is at 8pm on September 28 at Stockton Heath Methodist Hall, we welcome visitors.