ARE there any ladies in this area who can sing and would love to learn to sing barbershop-style?

I belong to a barbershop chorus and we are looking for more ladies of all ages who adore singing and would like to be part of a very friendly chorus.

Barbershop is unaccompanied four-part harmony singing which started in the United States and has become very popular in many parts of the world. It is a totally absorbing hobby from which many ladies (men have barbershop choruses too) gain great pleasure and companionship.

At present we number around 40 ladies of all ages, sizes and occupations, and in addition to pure barbershop we sing blues, ballads and jazz. We perform at singouts and concerts several times during the year, and are now seeking to increase our numbers.

So, ladies, whatever type of voice you have, why not some and have a look at us. You can be assured of a very warm welcome. We rehearse at Brown Lane Methodist Church in Helad Green every Thursday from 8pm on.

If you need any more information, please telephone Catherine on 0161 282 6078, or Carol on 0161 436 2480.

Catherine Hill

Crystal Chords, Greater Manchester Ladies' Barbershop Harmony Chorus

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